Click 'OK' or press 'Return' to look at your chart. Frequently those improvements come in the form of semi-automated tasks - common actions that Excel Click in the 'Category (X) axis labels' field, then select your column of labels. With each new version of Excel, the capabilities of the program grow.p + scale_x_date (date_breaks = '1 week', date_labels = '%W') p + scale_x_date (date_minor_breaks = '2 day') Add angle to X axis labels The ggplot2 package recognizes the date format and automatically uses a specific type of X axis.Scroll from side to side in one pane and the other won’t move. A divider will appear which you can drag left or right to adjust the size of the two panes. To split your screen vertically, select a cell in the top row and click the Split button. The Split button is found on the View tab of the ribbon.skipmiss breaks a plot line when encountering a missing value vaxis specifies major tick marks for vertical axis or assigns an axis statement vzero specifies that tick marks begin at zero on the vertical axis PROC GCHART proc gchart data=mydata anno=myanno pie3d var1 / desc=”My Pie of Var1” discrete explode.